KLCC 2021
Korean Linguistics in Crosslinguistic Context
June 4-6, 2021 @ Cornell University

We are adopting the Linguistic Society of America Code of Conduct
Linguistic Society of America Civility Policy
The LSA annual meetings, Linguistic Institutes, and other LSA-sponsored events are convened for the purposes of professional development and scholarly and educational interchange in the spirit of free inquiry and free expression. Consequently, all forms of incivility and harassment are considered by the LSA to be serious forms of professional misconduct.
The following Civility Policy outlines expectations for all those who attend or participate in LSA events.
It reminds LSA participants that all professional academic ethics and norms apply as standards of behavior and interaction at these events.
The LSA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming conference environment, protecting our community’s rich diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, professional status, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, and religion.
"Participant" in this policy refers to anyone present at LSA events, including staff, contractors, vendors, exhibitors, venue staff, LSA members, and all other attendees.
Expected Behavior
All participants at LSA events are expected to abide by this Civility Policy in all venues including ancillary events and official and unofficial social gatherings, and to abide by the norms of professional respect that are necessary to promote the conditions for free academic interchange.
Participants who witness potential harm to another conference participant are encouraged to be proactive in helping to mitigate or avoid that harm.
Unacceptable Behavior
Unacceptable behaviors include:
- Coercive, intimidating, harassing, abusive, derogatory or demeaning actions or speech. Note that the latter is distinct from vigorous, reasoned disagreement compatible with norms of civil behavior.
- Prejudicial actions or comments, related to a person’s identity or group membership, that coerce others, foment broad hostility, or otherwise undermine professional equity or the principles of free academic exchange.
- Relevant identities include (but are not limited to) those defined by age, ethnicity, gender, disability, professional status, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status. Persistent and unwelcome physical contact or solicitation of emotional, sexual or other physical intimacy, including stalking.
Participants who are asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, event organizers retain the right to take any actions to keep KLCC 2021 a welcoming environment for all participants. This includes warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.
Organizers may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any participants.
Participants must follow these rules at all event venues and event-related social activities; people should follow these rules outside event activities too!
If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it to conference staff as soon as possible. Harassment and other violations of the Civility Policy reduce the value of our event for everyone. People like you make our scientific community a better place, and we want you to be happy here.